Sunday, October 28, 2007


It's time to play more and wander aimlessly on Sundays without thoughts of the week’s schedule.

As I packed up our practice library, I gathered patient education materials prepared over the years, recalling the heady days when we expanded the practice to include natural medicine and all aspects of other cultures that fit our interests. We created take-home packets called "modules" for patients. You might wonder how we were able to do this in the presence of managed care restraints. The answer is simple. We maintained our independence by working other jobs and practicing medicine as we wanted - both art and science, free to explore the wisdom from all sources. True mavericks, so we thought.

We plan to make these modules available to our readers in the sequence requested most frequently by our patients.
[1] First visits were handled as a group orientation session for new patients. The session was called "The Four Pillars of Health". We discussed the pillars in detail with the group: Sleep, Digestion, Elimination and Respect of Cycles. These sessions were a hoot, because the group became a community and realized the sameness of afflictions suffered by each of its members - from snoring to gas to hot flashes. This session was lovingly nicknamed "Grandma's Remedies That Work".
[2] The second session focused on preparation for our holistic recommendations to come during the individual’s private visit. It was during the second group session we conducted body typing, stress assessment and reviewed issues related to digestion and elimination with each member of the group. There was always in the background, the quiet desperation of so many suffering from persistent, unforgiving constipation.
[3] The third session began our series on nutrition. It was always a hit with subtitles such as "Food as Food", "Food as Medicine" and the most popular "Wisdom of Herbs".
[4]The fourth session allowed the group to divide by interest:
Weight Management
Stress Reduction
Spiritual Reconnection
Life Mastery
By the time we scheduled the private session, our patient students were ready for more detailed assessments of their really personal health issues. Each was ready to hear recommendations from ancient sources. Although most of our private sessions were spent sorting information from modern specialists and building a strategy to use the wisdom from all sources.

The tea kettle is whistling...
Hugs from here,
Aunt Deb MD
Dr. AppleHeart


Think of this place as my kitchen on a Saturday morning. I'm family and you are visiting with a question. It just so happens that I'm a retired physician with thirty years of funny stories and a love for preventive medicine and exploring natural remedies first. The tea kettle is whistling...hope to hear from you soon.
Hugs from here,
Your Aunt Deb
Dr. AppleHeart